You may ask yourself what in the hell is Political Variation, what is it you are trying to present.
The craziness of the government as we stand now, with Bush in office and the many
variations as a result of a war driven president.
Political Confusion, insanity reapplied, why you may ask and I may answer the locacity of the moment of the the insanity of today, tommorow, and next week. It is all the world sees on the moment in the time, and I wonder what in the hell. I ponder the solutions but wonder are there truly any. And so begins this insane journey.
Many political international experts, them are in the wrong believing, that the political people, them can do the politics in the way as them want it so.
But the truth of god, it is another.- That when the political countries people, them fell, or the political people, them are driving with them own efforting.
Or in another words, when the political people from some countries, them are baking them own hot bread, and giving troubles to the publics and peoples from two or more countries.
That is not going to be for how long, because evidentially those political people, them doesn’t know about the international political rules, when a political people them got true to a leadership place,
It like from the hi to the lower political places, the public and the military government them suppose, that those persons them are going, how that up, fine to drive with the constitution, it because them say under the judgment, them won’t lie to the public and people countries constitution, upon them going to pay very expensive.
The pubic them know the constitution, fine many lawyer people them know the constitution, better as the politics, perfectly fine.
Many false political people, them lie to the public, any way, in many times those political people, them got two money pay, the countries pay, it like $60,000.00, each month, for a politic person, by the low, plus the same political person, them got more money for lien to the public, them got millions, for working for the Swiss bank people.
The Swiss bank workers, them must to be a neutral country, to avoid war, in between the world’s countries, but some since any time.
The Swiss bank people them are ever, the ones making war, in any country.
Because them want to drive up, under the political people, killing any world’s countries constitution.
But the Swiss people them are ever driving in many world’s countries, with the others politics.
It like the Swiss bank them pay to political people, for the political people to kill to death, to some other political banker or business people, from others countries, making or saying at the politics from the Swiss bank, some body said he noticed, that the Swiss government, them giving the hand to a German, king, for that German king, to spend the war at the United states country.
Some body say that the American expresident 1962, to 1963, he went to the Germany country, to give a hand to the German expresident 1962 to 1963.
But the German expresident 1962 to 1963, he answer back with war at the expresident, from the united states of America 1962 to 1963.
The German expresident 1962 to 1963, he question this way., how ?
and American, can come, to give the hand to how maddest German public? The German expresident he stay talking and, saying, this., even, I doesn’t want to help to my same German public.
The German expresident 1962 to 1963 he declare a war, many witness person them were around.
The world wide television, them avoid the German expresident talking 1962 to 1963, except the world wide television them transmitted, the words from the united states of America expresident 1962 to 1963.
Time after, a mad smelling German person, he went to the Swiss country, to say that he does a king from Germany, plus that in the name of the war, at the American country, that king he is going to drive with the Americans money in the Swiss country.
Many people, never noticed that, it is a secret war, many American public them doesn’t know that the united states of America, he got a war declaration, from the Germans, with a lot of mad.
The Swiss bank them must never to drive with the publics power, but the Swiss bank them are making how much worlds politics, many person them are worry about the Swiss worker people.
Many world wide people believe, that the Swiss workers them gave power to the German expresident 1962 to 1963, for him to declare the war at the American expresident 1962 to 1963.
Very in the last, when a political false person, he does driving wrong, evidently many expert people them are ever making care,
how those false politic driving with the constitution, by example the military government for every country, them are ever in any time making care as how those fresh nasty show of political person, them are making with the countries constitution, the military government them can noticed easily, when a politic he does selling the countries proud, to some body another Swiss people.
Very in the last the military government them automatically them must to get in, to drive for them countries public, to make fine for them public only noting for some body else, and the military government them start to avoid the political commanding from other politics from others countries.
To avoid them hot bread, upon that hot bread can to be the some body else another, crazy Swiss bank workers, even more the military government them can to kill to some body wrong political person, because, with crude accusation of treacherous, to the judgment first them did, say, them ( he ) and ( she ), will to drive perfectly, fine with the countries constitution.
The military government automatically them must to start to drive, together, with the political and the military governments.
The military, them are going to kill to any enemy, them false political, them been secretly talking, it does, secret of war, to a political talking with another political with out the care from the military government.
For the military government them got the death sentence the two of them, as by example to a Mexican expolitical and to a Swiss bank worker talking about, others countries politics it does ¡SECRET OF WAR!. You Stopped.-
Many news world wide international, people, them start to say that the military people, them are making assassination.
Those are not assassination, those a legal execution, them to avoid a biggest war, the military government, them are making fine, to kill to wrong political and them enemies, under the constitution saying to any, treacherous, is going to be executed,
The politic he fell with the countries politics, because first in his judgement he lies, because that political, believe it, that it were to be easy to lie to the constitution, and to work for the Swiss bank and other countries, but there are ever in any time the military government making the right care, a political person, them are ever as dull people, ever then ever.
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