The political confusion of today. to speak on the new whitehouse, and the Obama administration, and how many other aspects of politics that can be spoke of on this topic.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

President Obama - Net Neutrality

To Speak on Net Neutrality, and the next generation of experiences to be had in the not to distant future.

The question progresses beyond now as to the follow through on the ideas presented, as it is so easy, to talk but far more difficult to follow through, particularly when there is to much red tape to navigate. Through really I cannot assume to much, since it is far easy to speak something and far more difficult to follow through on what you speak about.

Now President Barack Obama, has certainly been making changes, yet I wonder how long will it be before things change completely, is it possible to put a dent in the numerous issues that have long been limtted to traditional ideas and views even if not correct?

So it shall be seen where this goes from here, the hope is things will actually work out for a better but you never know what tomorrow will bring.