Is this better than SLX?
Forum: Classic & Vintage Posted By: Robvolz Post Time: 03-06-25 at 06:43 PM
46 minutes ago
The political confusion of today. to speak on the new whitehouse, and the Obama administration, and how many other aspects of politics that can be spoke of on this topic.
Your blog shows that you don't have an education in the fundamentals of government and democracy. It will look insane unless you understand the real issues that make a difference to how people like us survive.
You use the word insanity too much. Maybe you should define it and see if it matches the common usage definition. Insanity is actually a legal term that means "a mental state that causes an inability to take care of oneself".
Well lets just say the education is more or less just now beginning. I am learning as it goes. It does not matter what your opinion may be as I have my own. Blogs are a point of view. My writing improves as each day passes as can be seen by going here. Everything is under constant revision. It seems sometimes it is the patience that is lacking.
Thanks for your comment.
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