Further Updates, Goodman and Two of her Crew Members were released just hours ago, and still face charges, charges that should never of been put on the record in the first place. Citing that her crew was conspiring to cause problems, really now ... they are there to keep the information flowing and keeping the public aware of how things come or go as part of a democracy that the United States is supposed to be.
What are your thoughts?
Updated @ 20:30 09/01/2008
A call to action has gone into effect, in regard to the arrest of Democra
With the arrest of Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and two of her crew members, do you think they have gone to far? For that matter to have arrested those who were originally organizing the protest before it happened, before the RNC?
Is there more to this story, I always figured we have The Right To Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression. The freedom to offer thoughts to the world at large, to make our contrary views clear in organized protests.
Has things really digressed to that point since Martin Luther King's Day? A man who believed in Freedom, and the inalienable fact that equal rights should spread across the gaps of color, race and sex? How quickly the Power of A Speech can go, tossed aside and the same old processes repeated. Is it to that extent do you believe it has reached such a saddening point?
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Updated @ 20:30 09/01/2008
A call to action has gone into effect, in regard to the arrest of Democra
With the arrest of Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and two of her crew members, do you think they have gone to far? For that matter to have arrested those who were originally organizing the protest before it happened, before the RNC?
Is there more to this story, I always figured we have The Right To Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression. The freedom to offer thoughts to the world at large, to make our contrary views clear in organized protests.
Has things really digressed to that point since Martin Luther King's Day? A man who believed in Freedom, and the inalienable fact that equal rights should spread across the gaps of color, race and sex? How quickly the Power of A Speech can go, tossed aside and the same old processes repeated. Is it to that extent do you believe it has reached such a saddening point?
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Will you offer insight, and focus on change, or subscribe to the same old story even if not for the best of who you are?