The political confusion of today. to speak on the new whitehouse, and the Obama administration, and how many other aspects of politics that can be spoke of on this topic.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama Wins It - A Dream Realized?

One Man Dream Finally Come to Fruition?

With the sources confirming, speaking on this new Government this new experience, we have a new President and it has been confirmed by multiple sources that Barack Obama is our next President. So what will this bring to this newt Government, over the next 4 years? Do you feel this was a solid race and a fair win ... what are your views share them in the comments down below.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bailout Passes - 263-171 What is Next?

The bailout in it's current revision passed today October 3, 2008 the quesiton is what will be next, how much difference will it really make? Now that so many iinvestors are happier and yet the far reach of this event is still not seen clearly yet.It is likely it will only get worse before it gets better. What are your thoughts, Share Them in either of the following ways:

It seems the only option that is next is to weather this storm and hope for the best even though you prepare for the worst, make quality decisions now because someone needs to make a change and if our Government cannot then perhaps you and the person in the mirror can reach a consensus and redirect your thoughts and actions to a new situation in this terminal economy.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Republican National Convention [RNC] gone to far?

Further Updates, Goodman and Two of her Crew Members were released just hours ago, and still face charges, charges that should never of been put on the record in the first place. Citing that her crew was conspiring to cause problems, really now ... they are there to keep the information flowing and keeping the public aware of how things come or go as part of a democracy that the United States is supposed to be.

What are your thoughts?

Updated @ 20:30 09/01/2008
A call to action has gone into effect, in regard to the arrest of Democra
With the arrest of Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and two of her crew members, do you think they have gone to far? For that matter to have arrested those who were originally organizing the protest before it happened, before the RNC?

Is there more to this story, I always figured we have The Right To Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression. The freedom to offer thoughts to the world at large, to make our contrary views clear in organized protests.

Has things really digressed to that point since Martin Luther King's Day? A man who believed in Freedom, and the inalienable fact that equal rights should spread across the gaps of color, race and sex? How quickly the Power of A Speech can go, tossed aside and the same old processes repeated. Is it to that extent do you believe it has reached such a saddening point?

Share Your Views:
  • At the iDiscuss Forums on Politics
  • In the Comments Below
  • Or in the world outside of this screen.

Will you offer insight, and focus on change, or subscribe to the same old story even if not for the best of who you are?

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Has Chosen Running Mate - Unique Governor of Alaska

Its official the announcement has been made, that McCain has chosen his running mate Senator Sarah Palin Republican Alaska. The big question is what is next for this course? And why choose someone who is little known? There have been many views some saying that it is good he chose her over any of the other prospectives because she is very much of the same mindset as The Republicans of the time are. The fact that she is Pro Life, and the fact that she pushed through a measure to authorize the building of a 1750 foot pipe to use for Natural Gas, which is great for investments, cause I am sure you can bet McCain has some stake in that as well. The big question is will she make that much difference. How will she help the McCain Camp beat out Senator Biden and The Man with Momentum Barack Obama? In time it will be seen, soon enough the end result there is only about 65 days left before the final votes are tallied who do you think it will be?

Discuss it:

  • In The Comments Below or
  • iDiscuss it! via the Forums of Home Of Knatchwa
  • Or Share it and have others do the same.
Only time will tell where this will take us ... as the United States of America under which Presidential Elect?

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New & Exciting Updates

Brand new and further improved iDiscuss Forums @ And the story continues onward with additions of new entries @ &

And that is only the beginning the objective is to do a complete redesign of the site and explore the possiblities beyond that moment, any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Swift Boat Campaign Revisitted

SBVT asserted that Kerry was "unfit to serve" as President based upon his alleged "willful distortion of the conduct" of American servicemen during that war, and his alleged "withholding and/or distortion of material facts" as to his own conduct during that war.[1] This claim caused tremendous controversy during the election, particularly because some perceived the veterans as partisans who had not been in a place to assess Kerry,[2] while several other Vietnam veterans who served alongside Kerry or under his command disputed the criticisms and supported Kerry in his presidential aspirations.[3][4]

SBVT stated that "Kerry's phony war crimes charges, his exaggerated claims about his own service in Vietnam, and his deliberate misrepresentation of the nature and effectiveness of Swift boat operations compel us to step forward."[5] The group challenged the legitimacy of each of the combat medals awarded to Kerry by the U.S. Navy and the disposition of his discharge. (See John Kerry military service controversy.) Further, SBVT said that Kerry's later criticism of the war was a "betrayal of trust" with other soldiers, and that by his activism he had caused direct "harm" to soldiers still at war. (See John Kerry VVAW controversy.)

Registered under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, SBVT publicized its criticisms of Kerry during the election campaign in a book, in television advertisements that the group ran in swing states and in the media coverage some members received. The group was the subject of several complaints to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

After the election, the group was credited by some media and praised by conservatives as contributing to Kerry's defeat[6] while critics consider the group an example of a successful political smear campaign.[7]

From Wikipedia

Following that defintion and according to the same article the group had disbanded for this election year. Why then would it still be an attempt to coup Senator Obama's run. It was interesting to read about this today and to think that was over four years ago but apparently quite effective when Kerry ran for President. So then in that same article there was mention of The Obama Camp Establishing a Multi Pronged attack to cover their bases. So really the question is will it make any difference in this election? And will Senator Obama's Counter be Effective?

Share Your View @ iDiscuss @ or in the Comments Below.

Governor Of California formerly Known As Terminator Signs Bill without Budget.

SACRAMENTO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to make an exception to his pledge that he would veto or avoid signing bills before lawmakers reach agreement on a state budget.
From KSBW TwitterFeed

Although this is a blog for bicycling I figured I would share something I was just made aware of today, that even without a budget the Governor of California signed a bill. Maybe not that exciting but it is what the bill is in reference to that relates to Bicycling or at the very least Alternative Transportation. This bill is the first step in putting the first leg down of a 700 mile transit system that would link Californias major cities at speeds in excess of 199 mph. A high speed rail system designed to decrease the cars on the road. That in itself can be a very important part of the entire process don't you think? As those who bicycle regularly can say, that less cars means a better experience when cycle commuting. In commuting by Human Powered Vehicle, to get from point A to point Z.

Though on the other hand, if more are using a high speed train system would that mean less would ride a bike or more in line with what usually occurs according to the many bicycle commuters who play an active role in BikeForums who often speak of using a combination of Public Transit and there own Human Powered System can get anywhere they need to go without the cost of driving a car. In that sense an improvement on the Public Transit system can be a great addition to the repertoire of using Alternative Transport to travel point to point while saving the environment.

What are some of your thoughts, how do you feel about that and your own views on improvements of Public Transit to increase usage of Alternative Transportation?

Share Your Views @:
I look forward to hearing your comments and views on this matter.

Monday, August 25, 2008

is watching join in

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Biden, Baracks Choice?

Apparently according to multiple sources including CNN News it appears as if the information is out that Biden is Obama's Pick for Vice President. Of course it is still up in the air. Do you think Biden is the choice, or is it just alot of hearsay about Senator Biden being the Vice President to Senator Obama? And why do you think that is? Apparently according to more then a few people it was his stand on Foreign policy that put Biden up as the final choice of Senator Obama's Vice President. Share your views, is Biden confirmed as the next VP or is Biden just hearsay? Share those views on Senator Obama and Biden in the comments below or in this topic of the forum.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain Camp receiving threatening letters? Freedom of Speech or Terrorism?

A recent article found at makes mention of threatening letters being received at the McCain Camp, do you feel that there is a right to send such things or is it illegal. To also note that in part one of the two letters contained some sort of powder. Does that make it any different? Discuss @ Home Of Knatchwa Forums share your view. And further information can also be found in the Elections 2008 area of the forums.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Olympic Torch Run

interesting to note this day, proves to be another one of change, of insanity. A route known for many years, Suddenly is changed multiple times no less. So was it an attempt at censorship or an attempt to try and keep protesters in line? Simple questions indeed, yet the answers are about as diverse as the world can be. So what did you think it was? Was it an attempt to control, what may of been done, or was it something totally different?

Is it to try and curb, what we may take for granted, freedom of speech. To think it is something different because you are dealing with international situations. Don't you think such rights should be worldwide? Or do you feel that it is more specific, due to a government corrupt?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Part 3-2-1 on First female President

Certainly an astounding variation. The question is who will it be? The situation is ongoing we shall see how things pan out before the end of the election when we finally realize who will be our next President of the United States, Female, Black, Or just another Republican. If you took the time to vote at least you played your part. If you have a voice speak it, in comments or in video response if you enjoy dabbling in youtube. I look forward to the active responses. If there is nothing I can only assume that not enough people care enough to share their view.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Journey it Continues

So goes the story just as it always does. Politics still constant getting closer and closer to November. What has changed, well if have not been watching the pointless coverage you would probably be more aware. Last Count puts Barack Obama in the lead with Clinton trailing. Coming to a point whereby getting down to the dirt throwing, dis creditation, making one better then the other. Telling the story the people want to hear, I wonder though, is it only story or is there an actual plan for action once they are in the office. That I cannot answer I can only speculate. To often the case has been the same where these promises are often empty blatant lies. Can only hope for the best but in all honesty expect the worst. McCain, there is much to explore on that point of view perhaps there will be updates. For now think about the situation, and hope for the best while expecting the worst. The next presidency is still up for grabs who will take the reins and ride?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Barack Obama and his Turban

Come on now does it really matter that senator obama had made a decision to immerse himself in the culture of the host country? It is not to say he is a fundamentalist but it is to say that he is better able to relate to a set of diverse cultural backgrounds. That he is able to take the time to not force his culture on others but instead grasp the culture of the host family. I do not think it will make a difference in his campaign ... do you have another view? Comment - lets hear em.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Economic Stimulus or Commercial Ploy

An economic stimulus package or at least that is what is being called. Let us take a close look at it and decide if it is truly in existence for the purpose of bettering the tattered economic lookout or making it worst.

First consider the fact that the possibilities exist. and from the outset all looks lfine. The general idea, is to give the poor a little more to spend even though they are already spending to much, which is why they are in the situation in the first place.

Ideally, everyone files there taxes, IRS is happy, and you get a little extra come May, to spend how you wish. Really now, to basically put back through the economy, based on the fact that in these days we are so much more reliant on the grocery stores. Pre Packaged foods, and very little if anything you actually grew yourself. So reliant in fact, that if all the stores closed many would have no idea what to do and will probably starve and die. Bitching and moaning the whole way, pointing there finger at everyone else. The government, the stores, the conspiracy that supposedly exists in there mind.

Reality Check! There was a time not so long ago where more people were much more self reliant. A time in life whereby they actually grew there own produce. Amazing isn't it, there are still some who try to remain in the old ways. Convenience though, is so alluring, often they will start with only one diversion. One item bought at the local grocery store. How easy, How simple, I give them money I have the product. I cannot say what goes through there mind at that point but my guess is they start realizing that perhaps the convenience is not bad. We can have so much time with the family, would be no need to work the fields to grow the produce. The time regained, truly nice, until they start to put that into action. The realization becomes apparent, in order to enjoy this wonderful convenience requires money. No longer can you trade livestock for food. No you need to make money, how? You guessed it join the masses in the job market. Try to survive and the best of luck to you. Thanks for stimulating the economy alright.

Really what is this package then, one more thing to control the masses. To get the money that really has no value back. Claiming the great recovery we did it. To bad those who once knew they could work the land. Forget about it, now you work, get all the modern day conveniences you can't afford. Fun times indeed. Welcome to the rat race.

We shall see where it will go ... keep that in mind though, there is still ways to be self reliant, even in the smallest things. Build on them and grow, or work until you die and hopes that maybe you will be able to take care of the family you rarely see. And those holidays, perhaps with all this working you need to do now. The next time you see relatives, in an open casket.

We shall see.

Monday, February 4, 2008

2008 a year of Change?

Either we are going to have our first black president or our first female, neither one of which has ever happened. Truly 2008 is going to be a year of change of a truly pivotal time in history,this particular year as a result of events in the five years past.

Some examples follow
Seven years it has been since the events of 911 changed the world, for better or worst that is a decision you need to make. Three years since Hurricane Katrina hit and decimated New Orleans, known for Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday. After Katrina little remained of this famous town, and that was only three years ago which then brings us to now.

What is it about 2008, that makes it such a time for change? Is there truly an answer? It is hard to say, when I thought about it though I found it quite intriguing. After 30 minutes of meditation and the time after of thought. I wondered, and I started to write, for a moment sleep was on my mind and now once I have started it is more difficult to stop when you are inspired. Though I must say sleep is a fine idea. For now will start with this and will continue later.

to be continued

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I wonder sometimes?

I look at what has been going on with this specific site and I wonder exactly what is the view on politics. So few seem to take an active part in sharing there viewpoint. So is that to say, that few really care what happens with this government? Or perhaps it is just the fact, there are to many other sites. Each with its own view, and its own insanity. I look at this and wonder how much do you care about the government?

At least if you give a monkey a banana, then he will perform, we as humans make such choices, yet I wonder sometimes where those who held strong views have gone, has it just been given up since the last primary? I truly wonder sometimes.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Will we have the first Female President

If so how would that be interpretted, would that mean we are a progressive government or digressive? How would things be different or would they truly be any different? Or would you rather just as been the case for years previous, another male president. Or does it really matter, is it a high priority to concern yourself with?

I wonder, the silence, is that mean there is a lack of interest in reality? Or does it mean that most people simply don't care?

Post your Responses in the comments.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Insanity of this moment

A new year and possibly a new beginning, another election on the horizon, the possbile future president in the polls. What can the future become, Where will things go in this moment as well as in others? So many questions to ask as the days pass and we come closer to election of the next candidate. Will we actually have our first female president? Will it be the Clinton Administration revisitted? This and many questions the hope is to answer.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


You may ask yourself what in the hell is Political Variation, what is it you are trying to present.

The craziness of the government as we stand now, with Bush in office and the many
variations as a result of a war driven president.
Political Confusion, insanity reapplied, why you may ask and I may answer the locacity of the moment of the the insanity of today, tommorow, and next week. It is all the world sees on the moment in the time, and I wonder what in the hell. I ponder the solutions but wonder are there truly any. And so begins this insane journey.